
New to Regularity Runs?


Do you fancy moving on from the scenic tours to something a bit more challenging – the apparently complex world of regularity? The forthcoming Winter Series of Regularity Runs, organised by the Blackpalfrey Motor Club of Kent, is one way to ease yourself in. As in previous years the events are aimed at those new to rallying. The idea is that you can progress as fast or as slowly as you wish. There is fun but no pressure.

Most of the map reading/navigation information is provided by email in advance of each event so nearly all the detail can be plotted onto the map at the dining room table. If you are confused, don’t worry – you have contact details for the organiser who will be happy to provide friendly advice or clarification.

Although regularity timing targets are provided at the start and during the course of each event there is no need to tackle these until you are practised with your map reading. Even then it remains optional. This means you do not have to invest in a tripmeter etc. until you feel you are ready for the bigger challenge.

Start venues provide breakfast facilities and a chance for you to note that you are not the only novice or beginner. The Sunday morning format allows for a first hour of navigation at which point there is a break for coffee. Here there is the opportunity for you to seek advice from the organisers, or from the one or two experienced entrants who are out to get some practice, perhaps in advance of a bigger event. There is then a second hour of navigational practice with the finish located where it is possible to continue socialising and have lunch.

Where possible, the routes follow quiet roads and lanes in pleasant countryside with surfaces that are definitely non-damaging for a cherished classic car. Be assured, there is never the need to travel any faster than a safe speed for the road being used. The organisers recognise that the route is shared with walkers, cyclists, horse riders etc as well as other motorists. Safety is paramount.

Results are provided at the finish and, for Club members, points can be earned towards the Blackpalfrey driver and navigator championships. For dates of events see Club Regularity Run Championship.

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